A-9,000 Plywood Deck System

——————————A-9,000 Waterproof Deck Coating System Over Plywood——————————

A-9,000 System Description

This specification is designed and engineered for above grade structures that require waterproofing for plywood decks. Ameri-Shield waterproofing deck system was designed as a lightweight waterproofing system that provides a durable coating for plywood.

A-9,000 Components

  • A-600: Americrete Concrete Resurfacer
  • A-800: Texture Finish
  • A-900: Waterproof Base Coat
  • A-1100: Standard Top Coat
  • A-1150: Heat Reflective Top Coat
  • A-8100: Waterproofing Bonder
A-9,000 System Specification A-600 A-800 A-900 A-1100 A-1150 A-8,100

A-9,000 System Specification

Wood Structures

Wood surfaces must be free of oils, contaminants, trash, sawdust, etc. and must be structurally sound and secured by screws or ring shank nails and blocked at all plywood seams before application. This system can be applied directly over existing wood surfaces consisting of 5/8” tongue and groove plywood or thicker. This system is not approved over 1/4” plywood or OSB board. Apply over recommended surfaces only. Plywood must have a 1/4” per foot slope away from the building.

Plywood Seam

All plywood seams must be nailed with ring-shank nails or screwed and must be blocked from underneath.

Metal Flashing

Metal Flashing should be 26 gauge galvanized bonderized metal. All wall to deck flashing shall be 4” x 4” or better. Flashing shall be overlapped by 3” to 4” and caulked with 2 beads top and bottom at all overlapped areas. Vertical and horizontal caulking shall be RainbusterTM 500 or 900 or equal. Fascia flashing is to be 2” x 4” with drip edge and no gravel stop. All flashing is to be nailed every 4” and vertical areas to be nailed at the top of all stud areas.

Plywood Seam

All plywood seams must be nailed with ring-shank nails or screws and must be blocked.Americrete does not guarantee that the cracks will not appear at a later date.

Metal Lath

A 2.5 hot dipped galvanized expanded metal lath must be applied over plywood and metal surfaces with all diamond metal lath seams overlapping 1″- 2″. Lath to be fastened by stapling with galvanized 1”crown by 5/8” leg staples, minimum of 18 staples per square foot. All overlapped lath shall have staples every 1” on the seams. Hammer down seams to be even with the rest of the field.


When installing lath on an enclosed parapet wall deck, crickets may be required to get water off the deck and into scuppers or drains. You can achieve this by cutting lath pieces at 45-degree angles and nailing them between drains or scuppers. Use 3 pieces of lath, each one cut smaller than the prior, and lay them on top of another and secure with staples or nails. This will achieve a gradual build-up when A-900 Waterproofing Basecoat is applied into lath.

Waterproofing Basecoat

  1. Using a good strong drill mix 4 1/2 to 5 quarts of water with (1) 50 pound bag of A-900 Waterproofing Basecoat.
  2. Adding the cement into the water, will insure a thorough mix. Screed trowel wet mixture directly into, 2.5 galvanized, diamond lath at a rate of 35 to 40 square feet per mix.
  3. Metal lath must be completely covered. Allow to dry. Scrape off any high points or trowel ridges.

Waterproofing Primer and Flex Mesh

  1. Apply A-1600 Flex Mesh over entire surface with 1” to 2” overlap at all seams.
  2. Saturate A-1600 Flex Mesh with A-8100 Waterproofing Primer and allow to dry.

Concrete Resurfacer

  1. Mix 5 1/2 to 6 quarts of water to 1 bag of A-600 Concrete Resurfacer.
  2. Apply A-600 Concrete Resurfacer over A-1600 Flex Mesh at a rate of 150 square feet per mix. This can be done with a trowel or squeegee.
  3. Let Dry. Lightly scrape off any high points or trowel ridges.

Knockdown Texture

  1. Mix 4 1/2 to 5 quarts of water to (1) 50 pound bag of A- 800 Texture Finish.
  2. Apply to deck with a hopper gun at a rate of 125 to 150 square feet per bag. In golf shoes or spikes, knock down A-800 Texture Finish with a trowel, keeping trowel clean and damp with wet rag or sponge.
  3. Let dry for 24 hours. Apply A-1100 Color Seal or A-1150 Heat Reflective Color Seal over surface (2 coats). Apply the first coat at a rate of 250 square feet per gallon. Allow to dry and then apply a second coat at a rate of 250 gallons per square foot.


Flashing Procedure for Americrete’s Waterproofing System

1. Apply 4” x 4” or 6” x 4” flashing at walls and over threshold areas. Overlap flashing ends by 4” and apply 2 beads of caulking RainbusterTM 500 or 900, or the equivalent, at each seam of the flashing, top and bottom. Put 2 nails at all vertical and horizontal seams, top and bottom. Nail the flashing that is laying on the deck surface, every 4” to 6”. Nail the flashing that goes up the wall at every stud. End the flashing at a stud.

2. The wall-to-deck flashing must be installed behind the weep screed and building paper. The weep screed should be kept off the deck at least 1 . inches.

3. Then apply 2” x 4” fascia flashing at the end of the deck. Remember to caulk and nail all of the areas where metal is overlapping.

4. If stucco is to be applied at the edge of the deck, be sure to leave the flashing .” beyond the deck to accept the stucco. The stucco should be under the flashing.

5. If a parapet wall is designed around the deck, you should have scuppers, drains or both, and an overflow scupper so the water will drain properly.

6. Where drains are required, Americrete approves Thunderbird Deck Drains. Use galvanized/bonderized deck drains and scuppers. If scuppers or drains are required, be sure the distance between each is no more than 6 feet. Install crickets between scupper with lath and A-900 Waterproofing Basecoat. Build up at 45-degree angle to divert water toward drains.

7. All decks must have at least 5/8” Tongue and groove Plywood blocked at all seams, with joists 16” on center and they must be 2” x 8” or greater with 1/4” fall per foot. All decks are to be screwed or nailed with ring-shank nails, glued and blocked.

Ameri-Shield Waterproofing Deck System -Application Procedure

Always use Americrete flashing procedures.

1. Apply 2.5 hot-dipped galvanized, metal lath over the deck surface and fasten with 5/8” x 1” crown,non-corrosive staples. Staple patterns must be a minimum of 18 staples per square foot. All lath seams must overlap 1” to 2” and metal lath shall be no more than .” away from the walls or edge of the deck covering all flashing. Hammer staples down at lath seams before applying A-900 Waterproofing Basecoat.

2. After lath has been applied, mix 4 . to 5 quarts of water to (1) 50 pound bag of A-900 Waterproofing Basecoat and trowel into the lath at a rate of 30 to 35 square feet per bag (lath should be completely covered). Allow to dry completely.

3. Apply A-1600 Flex Mesh over the entire surface.

4. and saturate the nylon mesh with A-8100 Waterproofing Primer by using a roller. Allow it to dry.

5. Mix 5 1/2 to 6 quarts of water per 50 pound bag of A-600 Concrete Resurfacer and apply using a squeegee at a rate of 150 square feet per bag and cover the A-1600 Flex Mesh completely.

6. Next, for a knock down finish, mix 4 1/2 to 5 quarts of water to each 50 pound bag of A-800 Texture Finish.

7. Put the material into a Hopper Gun with low pressure.

8. Apply by spraying material onto the deck. Let it set-up. Do not allow it to dry, walk onto the surface with golf shoes or spikes and proceed by knocking down the Texture Finish with a trowel. Allow it to dry for 24 hours.

9. Scrape the deck and blow or sweep the debris off the deck.

10. Apply 2 coats of A-1100 or A-1150 Color Seal with a roller at a rate of 250 square feet per gallon. Allow it to dry between coats.

A-9000 Drains

Galvanized Thunderbird drains (2” or 3”) should be placed no more than 6 feet apart from each other. They must be nailed and caulking must be placed under and around the drains. If drains are needed, an overflow drain should also be installed. See plans or specifications for your project.

A-9000 Scuppers

Galvanized scuppers 2” x 3” or better, no more than 6 feet apart from each other.


Use joist size recommended in IBC and IRC, 16” on center with .” fall per foot better. (See Tables R502.3.1 in the International Residential Code).


5/8” or better, exterior grade, tongue and groove plywood, blocked and glued fall per foot. Nails should be screws or ring-shank nails. No OSB board or particleboard. This system is not approved over plywood that is less than 5/8” in thickness.


This can be done by mixing one 50-pound bag of A- 900 Waterproofing Basecoat with 1 gallon of A-8100 Waterproofing Primer. Prime the surface before application with A-8100 Waterproofing Primer. Do not allow the primer to dry before applying A-900 Waterproofing Basecoat.

A-600 Product Description

  • A-600 Americrete Concrete Resurfacer is a powdered proprietary co-polymer mix that is easy to install for large projects or small repairs. This product only needs water added. Designed as a micro topping it can be used in virtually any climate due to its ability to resist freeze/thaw cycles and it’s resistant to salt. Concrete Resurfacer can be used as a featheredge product and is available in white.

Coverage Rate

  • Concrete Resurfacer, when applied by squeegee, will cover 200 to 400 square feet per bag depending upon the application procedures and the porosity of the concrete surface.

Primary Use, Characteristics, and Advantages

  • Concrete Resurfacer eliminates concrete removal and is a single component mixture (add water only). 
  • It has superior bonding capabilities, tested at 5510 PSI while maintaining flexibility and weather resistance. 
  • Concrete Resurfacer has been designed for use as a micro topping that is water resistant and non-re mulsifiable. 
  • Concrete Resurfacer is environmentally friendly and is ideal for vapor emission control, curb and gutter repair and patching of any spalled concrete surface.

Typical Applications

  • Walkways, patios, casinos, airport hangers, restaurants, parking structures, pool decks, one step tileset, curbs and gutters, driveways, bridges and warehouse floors. 
  • Underlayment for carpet, tile, wood floors, etc… 
  • It is also an ideal leveling agent.

A-800 Product Description

  • A-800 Texture Finish is a proprietary mixture of copolymer resins mixed with variously sized aggregates. Texture Finish is designed to be applied with a hopper gun to achieve a spray texture finish and knocked down with a trowel, or it can be left free standing.  Texture Finish can be applied over any concrete substrate.  Ideal for pool decks due to the knockdown texture (anti-skid capabilities), and is an approved finish over Americrete Waterproofing Base Coat lath System A-9000. 

Coverage Rate

  • Texture Finish will cover 125 to 150 square feet per bag, depending upon the application procedure followed.

Primary Uses, Characteristics and Advantages

  • This product eliminates concrete removal and is a single component mix by just adding water. 
  •  Texture Finish has superior bonding capabilities and is weather resistant.  
  • This product is water resistant, chemical resistant, and non-re-emulsifiable.  
  • Texture Finish can be applied on interior and exterior applications.  
  • This product is environmentally friendly.


  1. Mix one bag of A-800 Texture to 5 quarts of water. 
  2.  Put into a hopper gun at a low pressure and apply to surface.  
  3. Let stand and knock down with a trowel.  
  4. Then apply two coats of A-1100, A-1475 or A-4100.   
  5. See Americrete’s Specification A-8,000 Pool Texture Finish System for complete installation instructions.

A-900 Product Description

  • A-900 Waterproofing Basecoat is a powdered proprietary co-polymer that is mixed with cement and sand to achieve the highest in quality for waterproofing plywood decking.  It has larger sand than all of the other Americrete products and can be used in virtually any climate due to its ability to resist freeze/thaw cycles.  When going over concrete or doing build-ups with this product, add 1-gallon Concrete Bonder A-300 to this product. See specification A-9000.

Coverage Rate

  • Waterproofing Basecoat will receive approximately 35-40 square feet per bag, depending upon the application.

Primary Uses, Characteristics, and Advantages

  • This product eliminates concrete removal and is a single component mix by just adding water. 
  • Waterproofing Basecoat has superior bonding capabilities, is weather resistant, and flexible. 
  • This product is water resistant, chemical resistant, and non-re-emulsifiable.
  • Waterproofing Basecoat can be applied on interior and exterior applications. 
  • Waterproofing Basecoat is freeze/thaw resistant. 
  • This product is environmentally friendly.


  1. This product eliminates concrete removal and is a single component mix by just adding water. 
  2. Waterproofing Basecoat has superior bonding capabilities, is weather resistant, and flexible. 
  3. This product is water resistant, chemical resistant, and non-re-emulsifiable.
  4. Waterproofing Basecoat can be applied on interior and exterior applications. 
  5. Waterproofing Basecoat is freeze/thaw resistant. 
  6. This product is environmentally friendly.
  7. See Specification A-9,000 for application steps.

A-1100 Product Description

  • A-1100 is a Premium, Quick Drying, 100% Acrylic Pigmented Sealer formulated for sealing concrete and wood to provide resistance against water, alkalis, acids, ultra-violet light, and staining.


  • UV Resistant
  • Fast Drying
  • Water Base- Easy Clean-Up
  • Chemical Resistant
  • Alkali and Moisture Resistant
  • Excellent Hide and Color Retention
  • Passes ASTM D2047-82
  • Resistant to Ponding Water


  • Concrete Floors
  • Pool Decks
  • Patios
  • Fiberglass Mess System
  • Armor shield (Acrylic/Lath) Deck System
  • Pool Texture Deck System
  • Wood decks and walkways
  • Stucco
  • Finish: Satin Sheen

Surface Preparation

  • For maximum durability, the surface must be clean, free of dirt, oil, chalk and other foreign matter.
  • Concrete, concrete decks, concrete floors and concrete walkways
  • New concrete must age for a minimum of 30 days. Cool temperatures and high humidity may require a longer cure time. Remove all grease, oil, and wax with T.S.P. solution. (One pound of T.S.P. to 1 gallon of water.) Scrub with a stiff broom until the surface is thoroughly clean.  Rinse thoroughly with clear water. 
  • Then etch all unpainted cement with A-250 acid etching gel, let stand five minutes then rinse clean with water. 
  • After etching, neutralize the acid with baking soda or soda ash then rinse thoroughly with water.
  • A properly etched concrete surface should resemble the texture of medium sandpaper. Let dry thoroughly before applying the coating.


  • A-1100 may be used as its own primer.  
  • To use as a primer, add 1-pint water to 1 gallon A-1100. 

Previously Painted Surfaces

  • Clean all surfaces and roughen all glossy surfaces by sanding.  
  • Remove all peeling, loose or blistered paint by scraping and wire brushing.  
  • Remove all chlorinated rubber and hydrocarbon finishes by sandblasting.  
  • Clean all surfaces thoroughly with a T.S.P solution and then rinse thoroughly with water.

Glossy Surfaces

  • Roughen gloss by sanding; then wash with a T.S.P. solution and rinse thoroughly with water.


  • A-1100 may be rolled, brushed or sprayed.  
  • The coverage will vary, up to 300 square feet per gallon on a smooth surface and between 100-250 square feet per gallon on a rough or textured surface.  (Product may be thinned with a small amount of water, 2 coats are recommended.)


  1. Box and mix all containers together to ensure consistent color.  
  2. Neatly cut-in all edges with a brush and roll the main area using a 1/2″ nap, good quality roller cover.  
  3. Be sure to spread evenly in a “V” pattern, rolling in both directions.   
  4. It is best not to apply in the hot sun or above 80 degrees.  
  5. Thinning slightly with water and applying thin coats will help avoid streaks in direct sun.

Drying Time

  1. Allow four (4) hours between coats and light foot traffic.  
  2. Normal foot traffic after twenty-four (24) hours. No vehicle traffic without sealer.   
  3. Allow forty-eight (48) hours before placing heavy objects on the surface.


  • Warm water and soap.
  • Temperature/Weather
  • Do not install any Americrete product if the temperature is below 55 degrees or in extreme heat.
  • Rain may damage uncured Americrete products.  If inclement weather threatens, cover deck to protect the new application. Do not allow any Americrete product to FREEZE.


  • Most Stains will clean-up with T.S.P, a brush, and water.
  • We recommend a re-coat every 3-5 years. 

A-1150 Product Description

  • Americrete “A-1150” Series is a Premium, Quick Drying, 100% Acrylic Concrete/Masonry Pigmented Sealer. Formulated to reflect infrared rays and to seal concrete and masonry resistance to water, alkalis, acids, ultra-violet light.


  • Solar Heat Reflective
  • UV Resistant
  • Fast Drying
  • Water Base-Easy Clean-Up
  • Chemical Resistant
  • Alkali and Moisture Resistant
  • Excellent Hide and Color Retention
  • Passes ASTM D2047-82
  • Resistant to Ponding Water


  • Concrete Floors
  • Pool Decks


  • Fiberglass Mess System
  • Armor shield (Acrylic/Lath) Deck System
  • Pool Texture Deck System
  • Walls
  • Stucco
  • Finish:  Satin Sheen

Surface Preparation

  • For maximum durability, the surface must be clean, free of dirt, oil, chalk and other foreign matter.

Concrete, concrete decks, concrete floors and concrete walkways

  • New concrete must age for a minimum of 30 days.
  • Cool temperatures and high humidity may require a longer cure time.
  • Remove all grease, oil, and wax with T.S.P. solution. (One pound of T.S.P. to 1 gallon of water.)
  • Scrub with the stiff broom until the surface is thoroughly clean.  Rinse thoroughly with clear water.  
  • Then etch all unpainted cement with a-250 Acid etching get, allow to stand five minutes then rinse clean with water.  
  • After etching, neutralize the acid with baking soda or soda ash then rinse thoroughly with water. A properly etched concrete surface should resemble the texture of medium sandpaper.  Let dry thoroughly before applying a coating.


  • A-1150 Series may be used as its own primer. 
  • To use as a primer, add 1-pint water to 1 gallon A-1150 Series. 

Previously Painted Surfaces

  • Clean all surfaces and roughen all glossy surfaces by sanding.  
  • Remove all peeling, loose or blistered paint by scraping and wire brushing.  
  • Remove all chlorinated rubber and hydrocarbon finishes by sandblasting.  
  • Clean all surfaces thoroughly with a T.S.P solution and then rinse thoroughly with water.

Glossy Surfaces

  • Roughen gloss by sanding; then wash with a T.S.P. solution and rinse thoroughly with water.


  • Cool Pool A-1150 Series may be rolled, brushed or sprayed.  
  • The coverage will vary, up to 300 square feet per gallon on a smooth surface and between 100-250 square feet per gallon on a rough or textured surface.  (Product may be thinned with a small amount of water, 2 coats are recommended.)


  1. Box and mix all containers together to ensure consistent color.  
  2. Neatly cut-in all edges with a brush and roll the main area using a 1/2″ nap, good quality roller cover.  
  3. Be sure to spread evenly in a “V” pattern, rolling in both directions.   
  4. It is best not to apply in the hot sun or above 80 degrees.  
  5. Thinning slightly with water and applying thin coats will help avoid streaks in direct sun.

Drying Time & Clean-up

  1. Allow four (4) hours between coats and light foot traffic. 
  2. Normal foot traffic after twenty-four (24) hours.
  3. No vehicle traffic without sealer.  
  4. Allow forty-eight (48) hours before placing heavy objects on the surface.
  5. Warm water and soap.


  • Do not install any Americrete product if the temperature is below 55 degrees or in extreme heat.
  • Rain may damage uncured Americrete products.  
  • If inclement weather threatens, cover deck to protect the new application.  
  • Do not allow any Americrete product to FREEZE.


  • Most Stains will clean-up with T.S.P, a brush, and water.  
  • We recommend a re-coat every 3-5 years, depending on traffic and exposure to the sun.

A-8100 Product Description

  • A-8100- Waterproofing Bonder is a proprietary polymer designed to be used as a bonding and waterproofing agent over A-1600/A-1620/A-1625/A-1630 Flex Mesh in Americrete’s Metal Lath Waterproofing and Flex Coat system.  See Manufacturer’s Specification A-9,000 and A-9,100,A-16,000 for complete installation procedures.

Primary Uses

  • A-8100 Waterproofing bonder can be used as a primer for cementitious overlays. 
  •  It must be used with Americrete’s Waterproofing Systems when adhering the flex mesh to the A-900 Waterproofing Basecoat.


  • Environmentally safe, non-re-emulsifiable water borne proprietary copolymer.  
  • Superior adhesive and bonding strength provides waterproofing, flexibility and abrasion resistance.

Coverage Rate

  • Americrete A-8100 Waterproofing bonder will achieve 200-250 square feet per gallon over Flex Mesh.


  • A-8100 is applied over Flex Mesh with a paint roller or a ¼” nap roller.
  • You must let A-8100 dry completely before continuing.